Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2 Days

Actually 1 1/2 days left of school for my daughter. She, needless to say, is quite excited. I, on the other hand, am a little nervous. My eating and fitness plan has been going quite well, but I've had a rather Dee-centric schedule since I started this. With her home, I can foresee this changing. Fortunately she knows what I'm trying to do and wants to be my "coach." I think she will do a good job too. I picked up the "Biggest Loser 30 Day Jump Start" to help. It features a different set of exercises each day that she will be able to "coach" me to do. We'll see - I don't do many "exercises." I like the treadmill and weights, (along with Water Aerobics, of course), but, who knows, these might actually be good for me too!

I'm starting to get a little slack on my food rules. My post tomorrow will highlight those. "Constant Vigilance!" needs to be my mantra as I go through this year. It is so easy to justify and slip. I suppose technically if I justified it, it is not actually a slip. I really do not want to get into beating myself up through this though, so I'm sticking with slip.

I am looking forward to the scale tomorrow morning. It is the end of the third week and I'm hoping to move down into the next set if 10's, (ie: the 30's, the 20's etc.). And, no, I haven't given my starting weight or goal weight yet. Still a little too self conscious - random as it may be.